11:00 ~ 12:30
Lotte Hotel Seoul,3rd Floor (Sapphire Ballroom 2)
Panel discussion (three sub-panels, 30 minutes each)
Military AI has increased autonomy and remoteness in war, introducing opportunities (e.g., facilitating data collection related to civilians/civilian objects, increasing the speed of the OODA loop) and serious risks, especially to civilians (e.g., legal compliance concerns under IHL, human rights law and ethical bligations). Use cases raise strategic, technical, political, ethical, security and legal questions, especially related to targeting operations and civilian harm mitigation. This panel, comprising high-level interdisciplinary experts from the defense and tech-sector, policy fields, academia, and affected communities’ representatives will help move the discussion forward through an interactive discussion on three key themes of the Realities of Algorithmic Warfare: Innovation, Impact and Regulation.
• Innovation: How can legal compliance and civilian harm mitigation be ensured?
• Impact: Where are these systems being deployed and what have we learned from their use?
• Regulation: Where are areas of complementarity amongst the CCW, UN General Assembly and other regulatory initiatives?
Australian Army’s Technical Director for Artificial Intelligence
Strategic Analyst, HCSS, Project Coordinator for GC REAIM
Reader in Political Theory, Queen Mary University; Member, International Committee for Robot Arms Control
Deputy Director of Civilian Harm Mitigation and Response Policy, Office of the Undersecretary of Defense Policy, United States Department of Defense
Professor of International Relations, University of Antwerp, Director of Platform Wars Research Project
Professor of International Law, Utrecht University, Director of Realities of Algorithmic Warfare Research Project; Expert member, Global Commission on REAIM
Professor in Law and AI Technologies, Liverpool John Moores University; Commissioner, GC REAIM; Board Member to the UN Secretary General Advisory Board on Disarmament and UNIDIR Board of Trustees
Legal Counsel, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
Professor of International and Regional Politics, University of Southern Denmark; Director of AUTONORMS Research Project; Expert Member, GC REAIM
Chair of Public International Law, University of Edinburgh; Commissioner, Global Commission on REAIM